Extraordinarily few films have been able to get just the amount of cheesiness and not go so over-the-top and become cringeworthy. Speed Racer is one of those films. Everything is perfectly too much, the performances are amazing. With few exceptions everyone in the film seems to have found the perfect balance of slight realism with a little over acting and corniness. The film is directed in a way that reminds us of the original cartoon, even if you have not seen it. It is inventive and stylish.
Christina Ricci has one of the best performances in the film, and is very fitting with her large eyes and cartoonish features.
The plot is not completely coherent, but it actually works, and is actually a lot more understandable than something like Pirates of the Caribbean. It is surprisingly engaging and in more than one part I felt like I was going to cry. One of the subplots, however, sadly fails and brings the movie down. This plot involves Speed's younger brother and a primate. It is sometimes funny, and the kid really tries and is not a bad actor, but it became a bit annoying to me, and I could see the subplot really getting on other people's nerves.
Thankfully though, there is plenty of things that save the film too, it is ambitious and fast paced and the two hour plus running time goes by quick. I was never bored once during the film, and the races are all spectacular. Yes, the special effects are also very corny and unrealistic but I did not expect anything realistic from the trailer... and no one should, this is Speed Racer.
The special effects are cartoony, but work well within the context of the film.
So, I recommend you see Speed Racer with an open mind, it is one of the most underrated films I have seen recently.
Cool beans!
entirely critical- 7/10
regular scale- 8/10
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